Ground Reinforcement Grids – GRIDMAT XG40B (50 Sqm)


Ground Reinforcement Grids – €830.00
GRIDMAT XG40B (50 Sqm)

Ground reinforcement grids are specialized grid-like structures designed to reinforce and stabilize the ground surface.


They are designed to withstand heavy loads and provide a durable and permeable foundation for various applications, ensuring stability, reducing soil erosion, and promoting efficient stormwater management.

– 9 Panels 330x330x40mm = 1m² (nominal)
– 100% Recycled Plastic
– Weather and UV Resistant
– 420 tonnes load bearing capacity


Property Detail
Dimensionsmm330 x 330 x 40
Wall Thicknessmm3
Panels/m²Panels/m²9 (nominal m²)
Country of OriginUnited Kingdom
Material PropertiesPolypropylene [PP] (100% recycled – UK Sourced)
Connection MethodIntegrated Quick-Snap Slot & Peg
Cell Profile (LxW [at widest point])Inner Asymmetric85mm x 45mm
Outer Asymmetric102mm x 55mm
Cylindrical55mm Ø
Void Ratio% Open93
Load Bearing CapacityTonnes/m²428 (unfilled)
Operating Temperature°C-50 to +90°C
Environmental CompatibilityDIN 38412Environmentally Neutral
Chemical ReactivityResistant to acid, leaching, alcohol, oil, petrol, strewing salts, ammonia etc
Grid-Fill MediumsNBS Sec Q23Angular Gravel up to 20mm Ø
NBS Sec Q30Grass Seeding/Turfing
Life Expectancy25 Years (10 years manufacturing defect warranty)
Sub-Base RequirementsIn accordance with DS7533-3
Max Gradient12%
Max Vehicle Speed15mph
Max Carry LoadDIN 107230 tonne axle load
Rate of Installationm²/hr/person100
CompliancesDDAPart M Compliant
Car ParkingDIN IN ISO 124/B125